
Becoming Your Own Sacred Lover Retreat

Becoming Your Own Sacred Lover is a feminine shamanic Goddess awakening, where the medicine we are reclaiming is our own wisdom through voice, through breath, through release, through nature, through healing the wounded mother & father line in our DNA, through heart-womb presence, through tending our sisterhood, through braving the path into our darkness for rebirth. As we traverse this path of awakening & once the veil is lifted where we see the unseen & feel the unfelt; we find ourselves lifted into the felt knowing of infinite possibilities & view the world through the eyes of our inner child with pure wonder, love & light that is seemingly impenetrable. But this is only one facet of spiritual awakening. Once we have awakened the light, we are then invited by something deep in the depths inside of us, to find that same light ALL the way down in the dark. When we start to feel the energetic duality of the light, we get to hold ourselves in forgiveness, compassion, trust, & grace as we lean into the darker side of nature that awakening descends us down into. And this is the beauty way. The path to liberation. The journey back to self. Which is ultimately remembering that we are all beings of love; the whole rose – our thorns & petals. As we become our own sacred lover we get to express fully, authentically, intimately with our chosen partners & in this grand ceremony we call life.

Are you ready to make this vision reality? You can reserve your attendance below with a deposit, or pay in full for 10% OFF! 

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Becoming Your Own Sacred Lover - 5 Day Woman's Retreat in Austin, TX

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